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Healthcare Technology, AI in Healthcare, Cloud Technology, Vaccine Development, Data Strategy, Pfizer, AWS re:Invent, Viceroy Solutions, Healthcare Innovation, Digital Healthcare

Insights from Pfizer’s AWS re:Invent Keynote

The Future of Healthcare Technology

At Viceroy Solutions, a leading healthcare IT consulting firm, we actively explore the latest technological advancements that can transform healthcare. The recent AWS re:Invent keynote, featuring insights from Pfizer’s Chief Digital and Technology Officer, Lidia Fonseca, and AWS CEO Adam Selipsky, was a valuable insight into the future of healthcare technology. Here’s what we learned and thought about this pivotal event.

The Power of Generative AI in Healthcare

Generative AI’s role in life sciences is thrilling. Pfizer and AWS are using it in 17 different scenarios, from content creation to manufacturing. This isn’t just innovation; it’s about reallocating resources to speed up patient care. For example, generative AI quickly identifies new oncology targets, a task that usually takes a lot of manual work. This could save between $750 million to $1 billion annually, showcasing AI’s efficiency and financial benefits in healthcare.

We at Viceroy Solutions view this as a major breakthrough. Fast data analysis and target generation by AI can speed up medical discoveries, benefiting patients globally.

Cloud Technology: Transforming Vaccine Development

The keynote also shed light on how cloud technology sped up the development and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. AWS‘s collaboration with Pfizer was crucial in increasing vaccine production from 220 million to 4 billion doses of Comirnaty in 2022. AWS‘s high-performance computing and real-time data analysis made this rapid scale possible.

This example proves cloud technology’s power in tackling global health crises. It highlights the need for healthcare organizations, including ours, to adopt cloud technology for more agile and responsive operations.

Comprehensive Data Strategy for Global Success

Pfizer’s enterprise-wide data strategy, aiming to launch 19 medicines and vaccines in 18 months, is another highlight. This strategy, relying on digital, data, and AI, aligns with our philosophy at Viceroy Solutions. We believe a strong data strategy is key for any healthcare organization’s innovation and global success.

Embracing the Future with Viceroy Solutions

The insights from the AWS re:Invent keynote are practical solutions shaping healthcare’s future. At Viceroy Solutions, we’re dedicated to incorporating these advancements into our consulting services. We prioritize staying at the forefront of technology to offer our clients the best solutions.

Ready to revolutionize your healthcare organization with the latest AI and cloud technology? Contact Viceroy Solutions. Let us guide you through the evolving landscape of healthcare technology and provide tailored, cutting-edge solutions for your needs.

Navigating the Challenges of Unknown Unknowns in Complex Projects

In the world of project management, the term “unknown unknowns” may sound like a paradox, but it’s a concept that has a significant impact on the success of complex projects. Unknown unknowns are essentially those surprises that pop up unexpectedly and have the potential to derail even the most meticulously planned endeavors. However, it’s crucial to understand that many of these so-called unknown unknowns could have been known if project managers had known where and how to look.

Let’s delve into the world of unknown unknowns, their impact, and how project managers can shine a light into the right holes to uncover uncertainties that could affect a project’s success.

The Elusive Nature of Unknown Unknowns

Unknown unknowns often emerge as the root cause of unwelcome surprises in projects, whether it’s a space shuttle disaster, a train derailment, a terrorist attack, or cost and schedule overruns. Surprisingly, many of these unknown unknowns were not truly unknowable; they were merely hidden from the view of decision-makers. This hidden knowledge often exists within the project teams but fails to reach the top decision-makers.

In some cases, unknown unknowns result from unforeseen interactions among known elements of complex systems, such as product components, process activities, or software systems. Therefore, these surprises can stem from within the project’s ecosystem.

Uncovering the Source of Unknown Unknowns

To address unknown unknowns, it’s essential to look in the right places. In complex projects, unknown unknowns can arise from at least six complex systems:

  1. The desired project result: What the project aims to achieve.
  2. The work done to get the result: The project processes and activities.
  3. The people and teams: The individuals and groups executing the project.
  4. Resources and tools: The equipment and tools used in the project.
  5. Requirements and objectives: The goals and specifications of the project.
  6. The project’s environment: The context in which the project operates.

Each of these systems, or project subsystems, consists of a complex network of interrelated elements. It’s essential to understand how these systems interact with each other and explore their inherent complexities.

Factors That Increase the Likelihood of Unknown Unknowns

Several factors can make unknown unknowns more likely in projects:

Complexity: Complex systems with many elements and intricate relationships are more prone to unknown unknowns.
Complicatedness: This is observer-dependent and relies on the ability of project participants to understand and anticipate the project.
Dynamism: Fast-changing systems are more likely to give rise to unknown unknowns.
Equivocality: Imprecise information or poor communication can cloud judgment.
Mindlessness: Perceptive barriers, biases, and inappropriate filters hinder the recognition of unknown unknowns.
Project pathologies: Structural or behavioral issues, like unclear expectations and dysfunctional cultures, can keep unknown unknowns hidden.

Tools for Uncovering Unknown Unknowns

Addressing unknown unknowns requires the right mindset and toolset. Here are eleven types of tools to help detect unknown unknowns and convert them into known unknowns:

Decompose the project: Model the project’s subsystems to understand their structures and complexities.
Analyze scenarios: Construct different future outlooks and explore their ramifications.
Use checklists: Draw insights from past projects and codify learning.
Scrutinize plans: Independently review project work plans, schedules, resources, budgets, etc.
Long interviews: Engage in deep interviews with stakeholders to uncover lurking problems and issues.
Pick up weak signals: Recognize subtle signs that something is amiss.
Mine data: Use electronic data mining to extract implicit and potentially useful information.
Communicate frequently and effectively: Foster a culture where bad news can travel up in the organization.
Balance local autonomy and central control: Allow for emergency channels.
Incentivize discovery: Reward those who bring unknown unknowns to light.
Cultivate an alert culture: Educate about unknown unknowns and where they tend to lurk.

The Power of Due Diligence

In summary, the ability to address unknown unknowns is a critical aspect of project planning and execution. When comparing two similar projects, one with identified risks and the other without, it’s often the latter that is riskier. Ignoring uncertainties and risks can lead to delusion and deception, which plague many projects and endeavors.

By following the approaches outlined here, project managers can conduct due diligence and significantly enhance their ability to manage complex projects effectively. Unknown unknowns need not remain hidden when we have the right tools, mindset, and culture in place.


Browning, T. R. and Ramasesh, R. V. (2015). Reducing Unwelcome Surprises in Project Management. MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(3), 53-62.
Ramasesh, R. V. and Browning, T. R. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Tackling Knowable Unknown Unknowns in Project Management. Journal of Operations Management, 32(4), 190-204.

In complex projects, understanding and addressing unknown unknowns is a key to success. By employing the right tools and approaches, project managers can better prepare for surprises and ensure their projects stay on track.

Interactive dashboard displaying healthcare data analytics with graphs and charts

Visualizing Health Data: The Key to Informed Decisions and Improved Patient Outcomes in Healthcare

In the age of big data, the healthcare industry is generating vast amounts of information daily. From patient records and clinical trials to population health data, the need to analyze and interpret this data is more crucial than ever. That’s where data visualization comes in. Healthcare data visualization tools are revolutionizing the way hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and health insurance providers make decisions and deliver care.


The Rise of Healthcare Data Visualization

Statistics confirm the importance of data visualization in healthcare. The global healthcare analytics market was valued at $35.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $167.0 billion by 2023. This rapid growth is a testament to the increasing reliance on data visualization to extract actionable insights from the ever-expanding pool of healthcare data.


Why Use Healthcare Data Visualization?

There are compelling reasons why healthcare data visualization is gaining popularity:

  1. Efficient Data Handling: The abundance of healthcare data no longer requires manual collection and tedious calculations. Data visualization tools streamline data collection and automate calculations.
  2. Improved Patient Outcomes: Visualizing data helps healthcare professionals identify trends and patterns, which informs treatment decisions and ultimately improves patient care. Early intervention for high-risk patients is a prime example.
  3. Enhanced Efficiency: Data visualization exposes areas for improvement, optimizing resource utilization and reducing costs. For instance, it can track hospital bed and medical equipment usage to reduce expenses.

 Types of Healthcare Data Visualization

Healthcare data can take various forms, including:


  1. Charts and Graphs: Ideal for representing numerical data such as patient demographics or disease incidence rates.
  2. Diagrams and Flowcharts: Used to illustrate processes like clinical trial steps.
  3. Tables: Present large volumes of data in a structured format.
  4. Maps: Reveal geographical patterns in disease incidence or resource utilization.
  5. Infographics: Simplify complex information for easy understanding.
  6. Dashboards: Offer an at-a-glance view of key metrics for quick decision-making.

Benefits of Healthcare Data Visualization


The long-term benefits of healthcare data visualization are numerous:


  1. Improved Decision-Making: Analyzing large datasets quickly enhances decision-making processes. For example, AI-based visualization tools have helped healthcare companies identify high-risk patients and reduce readmissions.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Healthcare organizations can optimize operations using visualization tools. Real-time information sharing can lead to improvements in care quality and cost savings.
  3. Population Health Trends: By analyzing personal health data, healthcare organizations can detect emerging health issues and target interventions more effectively.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement: Data visualization can drive collaboration in public health initiatives, like the CDC’s National Syndromic Surveillance Program.
  5. Patient Education: Visualizations are used in health apps to raise awareness and improve patient knowledge about specific conditions.
  6. Cost Savings: By analyzing healthcare expenditures, organizations can identify inefficiencies and reduce wasteful spending, improving financial sustainability.

 Sources of Medical Data for Visualization


Healthcare data comes from diverse sources:

  1. Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR): These systems contain patient histories, diagnoses, lab results, and more.
  2. Data Collection Forms: Reports, scorecards, and patient self-reporting forms offer valuable data.
  3. Clinical Trials: These trials generate comprehensive health information.
  4. Wearable and Portable Devices: Devices like fitness trackers and biosensors capture vital health data.
  5. Third-Party Platforms: Aggregated data from multiple healthcare providers allows for comparative analysis.

 Popular Healthcare Data Visualization Tools

Several tools make healthcare data visualization easy:

  1. Tableau: A leading data analytics platform with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  2. Power BI: Microsoft’s business intelligence tool offering interactive dashboards and reports.
  3. QlikView: Provides intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and dynamic navigation for complex data.
  4. Looker: A cloud-based data platform for accessing, exploring, and visualizing medical data.
  5. Plotly: An open-source library for creating personalized visualizations.


 Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Healthcare organizations face challenges, including data unification, fragmentation, and the lack of data visualization training. Overcoming these challenges involves investing in integrated data solutions and fostering collaboration among departments.


 Implementing Healthcare Data Visualization Software

Implementing software for healthcare data visualization involves several steps, including research, integration, and development. Collaborating with experienced developers can help create effective visualization tools.


Why Choose Viceroy Solutions for Healthcare Data Visualization


Viceroy Solutions offers extensive experience in healthcare data visualization, creating interactive dashboards and reporting systems. Their customized solutions enable healthcare providers to gain valuable insights from their data.



Data visualization is indispensable in the healthcare industry, offering insights that drive informed decisions and improve patient outcomes. Embracing data visualization today lays the foundation for success in a data-centric future. Healthcare organizations that invest in advanced analytics and data visualization solutions will gain a competitive edge and provide better care to their patients.

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Building a Culture of Cybersecurity: A Guide to Healthcare Training

In today’s healthcare world, keeping patient data secure is super important. We use computers and networks to handle all this information, so everyone in healthcare needs to know how to protect it. But sometimes, talking about cybersecurity seems tough. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be. Let’s discuss how we can make cybersecurity training straightforward and engaging for healthcare teams. 


Why Cybersecurity Matters in Healthcare 

First things first, let’s understand why cybersecurity training is so vital for healthcare.

Our computers and networks hold tons of sensitive data, like patient records and financial info. It’s our job to keep it safe from bad guys like hackers and viruses. That’s where cybersecurity training comes in. 


The Benefits of Good Cybersecurity Training 

By following these steps, your healthcare team feel confident about keeping patient data safe. This change from being worried to being sure helps not only with data security but also has many benefits for healthcare organizations: 


  1. Data Protection:We’ll make sure patient data stays safe and confidential, which is a legal and ethical duty. 


  1. Following the Rules:Many healthcare organizations have to follow rules like HIPAA. Sticking to these rules isn’t just about avoiding trouble; it’s about doing the right thing. 


  1. Good Reputation:If there’s a data breach, it can hurt our healthcare organization’s reputation. By showing we care about cybersecurity, we build trust with patients. 


  1. Saving Money:Preventing a data breach is much cheaper than fixing one, including legal costs, notifications, and fixing our reputation. 


  1. Patient Safety:In a world where healthcare devices are connected, cybersecurity is important for patient safety. We’ll make sure these devices are safe and sound. 


  1. Employee Confidence:By giving employees cybersecurity knowledge, we’ll make them feel good about using computers securely.


Making Cybersecurity Training Engaging and Simple 

Now, let’s talk about how we can make cybersecurity training engaging and easy to understand: 


  1. Real-Life Examples:Instead of using fancy words, let’s talk about real-life situations. We’ll share stories about possible cyber threats and how to stop them. This way, it’s relatable and interesting. 


  1. Plain Language:Cybersecurity has lots of big words, but we’ll keep it simple. We’ll use everyday language to explain things so everyone can get it. 


  1. Ongoing Support:Cybersecurity isn’t a one-time thing. We’ll remind everyone regularly about how to stay safe online. We’ll also provide helpful tips and tricks to boost confidence in protecting data. 


  1. Leading by Example:Leaders in our healthcare organization will show how important cybersecurity is by following the rules themselves. This sets the tone for a culture of security. 


With the right approach, we can make it simple and engaging. When our healthcare teams understand how to protect data, everyone benefits, from patients to our staff. Let’s boost confidence and create a safer healthcare world together. 


Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Changing Times 

It is important to know that the world of cybersecurity is always changing. New threats come up, and the way we deal with them must change too. This means we need to keep up our cybersecurity training. 


Here are some new things happening in healthcare cybersecurity: 


  1. Ransomware Attacks:There are more and more ransomware attacks. These attacks lock up healthcare systems and ask for money to give data back. We’ll focus on how to prevent them and what to do if they happen. 


  1. Internet of Things (IoT) Security:More and more healthcare devices are connected to the internet. We need to make sure these devices are safe from cyber threats. 


  1. Telemedicine Security:As telemedicine gets more popular, we need to make sure it’s secure. This includes making video calls and protecting patient data. 


  1. Social Engineering:Bad guys are getting smarter about tricking people into sharing important information. We’ll learn how to stay safe from these tricks. 


  1. Laws Might Change:The rules about cybersecurity could change. We’ll need to stay updated and do the right things to follow the new rules. 


To stay on top of these challenges, we’ll keep up our cybersecurity training. This means keeping our training materials fresh, talking to everyone about the latest threats, and making sure everyone knows how to respond if something happens.


In a world that’s always changing, keeping our data safe is super important. Empowering healthcare teams with good cybersecurity training is more than just a good idea, it’s how we make sure data stays secure and patients trust us. So, let’s take this journey together and boost confidence, making healthcare safer for everyone.


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How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Healthcare Industry


Have you ever wondered how technology is making a big difference in healthcare? Well, that’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes into play. In this blog, we’ll have a friendly chat about how AI is helping healthcare in simple terms, with no fancy words. In simple words It is like having a helpful friend in the healthcare world.

AI in Diagnostics

Imagine a computer that’s really good at looking at medical pictures like X-rays. It’s like having an extra set of eyes, and it’s excellent at spotting things that might be diseases. This means doctors can find problems faster, like cancer, and help people more effectively. AI can also help in diagnosing diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which is super important for treatment.

AI Helps Find New Medicines

Normally, finding new medicines takes a long time. But with AI, it’s faster. AI can look through lots of information and pick out possible new medicines. It can also help set up better tests to make sure those medicines work, which makes the whole process quicker.

AI Helps Take Care of You

AI is also like a friendly assistant. It can remind you to take your medicine and answer your questions. It can even keep an eye on your health and tell the doctor if something doesn’t seem right. This way, you get the help you need when you need it.

AI Makes Things Run Smoothly

In hospitals and clinics, there’s a lot of paperwork and appointments to keep track of. AI can help with that too. It can schedule appointments, keep your medical records organized, and deal with insurance stuff. This means doctors and nurses can focus more on helping you and less on paperwork.

Predicting the Future with AI

You know how weather forecasts predict if it’s going to rain? Well, AI can predict health stuff too. It can guess if there might be a disease outbreak or if you need a special treatment because of your history and genes. This helps keep you healthy.

Real-Life Examples

– Imagine talking to a friendly chatbot that reminds you to take your medicine and answers your questions.

– Gadgets that keep an eye on your health at home and let the doctor know if something’s wrong.

Challenges and What’s Next

Of course, there are some things we need to figure out, like making sure AI doesn’t make mistakes and keeping your health info safe. But even with these challenges, AI is making a big difference in healthcare, and we’ll see even more cool things in the future.